Ivan Panin Bible Numerics
Ivan Panin Bible Numerics

Ivan Panin Bible Numerics

His keen literary and mathematical mind was aroused, and he began to examine the text to see if there was an underlying pattern contributing to what arrested his trained eye. In 1890, his attention was caught by the first chapter of John, in which the article is used before God in one instance, then left out in the next (“.and the Word was with the God, and the Word was God”). His conversion to Christianity in the late 1880's was an event that produced no small public stir, as his agnostic position was well-known and had been considered unassailable. Here he graduated from Harvard as a Master of Literary Criticism, delivering outstanding lectures at premium venues.

Ivan Panin Bible Numerics

A firm agnostic and nihilist, he was exiled for participating in plots against his government, emigrated to Germany, and eventually to the United States. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. Those familiar with the classic problems of chronology that are revisited by each generation of scholars will appreciate the depth of Panin's often unique approach. The facts are detailed and internally consistent, the "Canons" are salient and would hold up in any academic court, and the numerics have their own distict appeal. However, the reader will find it concentrated and distilled, demanding one's full attention. The length of this book is deceptively short for the subject matter. Thus the archaic presentation style will make its presence felt this gives as close as possible a sense of not only the content of his work, but the method. The investigating researcher can rest assured that every divergence has been noted as such: there are no arbitrary corrections. While he could write volumes on the subject, he limits himself to clear examples that have specific impact. The third section is a guided tour through the undergirding of the numerics woven throughout the Chronology. This is a reference guide and is the core of the results of his years of research. His second section is a "List" of every knowable date in the Bible. Panin begins with nine Canons by which to approach chronology, providing an approach to the subject which is designed to eliminate useless debate. have kept the formatting as close as possible to that edition, and no changes of any kind were permitted in wording or punctuation. This is a word-for-word transcription of the 1950 edition. Panin's Bible Chronology is a classic work of scholarship that provides unique insights into some of the most difficult issues encountered in Biblical chronology.

Ivan Panin Bible Numerics